Sunday, March 30, 2008

WoW Update - 30 Mar 2008

Today was a good day for WoW. I logged in at around 9 am to start my dailies. And there were so many of them! Bleeding Hollow is midway through Phase 2 of the Shattered Sun Offensive and naturally there were a lot of quests to do.

It took me three hours to finish fifteen daily quests. Fifteen! I walked away around 200g richer; unfortunately, by the end of the day, it was all gone.

Just after lunch, I ran Heroic Mech again with Anyssa, Kalabog, Herri and Larrygibb. This time, I ran it as tank - my first instance as a protection paladin. I hit Exalted with the Sha'tar right after Mechano-lord Capacitus. Once we got back to Shattrath I picked up my Crest of the Sha'tar and Gavel of Pure Light.

Around an hour later, I joined Supsop, Anyssa, Payat (rogue) and Herri for Heroic Shattered Halls. We almost completed it in time, but unfortunately Anyssa's Internet connection was acting up. She disconnected twice during consecutive Bladefist attempts; during the third attempt, we wiped when Bladefist charged and whirlwinded her.

I was dragged in for a Magtheridon's Lair attempt at around 10 pm, but I left after the first attempt as my wife wanted us to spend some time together. It also means that right now, Avierra is Holy; I'll be doing dailies later as a Holy pally. And I need to farm; right now I have just 27 gold on Avierra.

At the moment she's also got 112 Badges of Justice (I spent 15 on a Libram of Repentance). I was considering saving up for a Gavel of Naaru Blessings (150 badges) but instead I think I'll just spend badges on a Ecclesiastical Cuirass (100 badges) - the upgrade is greater, plus I have an epic weapon now anyway.

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