Sunday, March 2, 2008

Saturday Night

While out bar-crawling with my wife and her friends, I wound up text-messaging Isorla and Anyssa about plans for the next day. I expressed some unhappiness about running with Supsop/Anyssa's group in Kara due to the relatively long lockout (the raid save expires on Tuesday) and low badge count. One of the measures Supsop and Anyssa have taken to keep raiders happy is to use Karazhan as a filler raid - after downing two bosses in Zul'Aman, for example, they go back to Kara to take down two more bosses rather than dishearten raiders by pushing for aggressive but expensive raid progression.

This meant, though, that they'd gone back to Kara at least twice since I had not been available for follow-up raids. I had since received three invites to PUG Karazhan, none of which I could accept since I was still saved to the instance.

One of the things Anyssa and I agreed on is that I would be joining them for progression content but not necessarily farm content. I can PUG Kara with other groups for badges, after all. Zul'Aman, Gruul's and Magtheridon's Lair I will happily raid with ASTIG.

That done, we made plans for the next day and Heroic Arcatraz... stay tuned for how that turned out.

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