Friday, February 22, 2008

WoW Update - 21 Feb 2008

I stayed home yesterday, which was nice for a change... instead of staying in front of the computer in the office, I stayed in front of the computer at home. Haha.

In between readings I ran instances and farmed badges for Avierra.

Here's the take:
1. Slave Pens (heroic) - Hungarfen only. Farmed 1 Badge of Justice.
2. Mechanar (heroic) - All bosses downed. Farmed 4 Badges of Justice and Vindicator's Legplates.
3. Mana Tombs (heroic) - All bosses downed, including summoned boss. Farmed 4 Badges of Justice and Gauntlets of Vindication. (I was hoping for The Fel Barrier but it didn't drop.) Heroic Mana Tombs happened to be the daily heroic so I got an extra 2 Badges.
4. Botanica - Not a heroic run, but I ran it with a very OP group, so it took an hour and fifteen minutes to complete. Completing Botanica allowed me to get my Sha'tari Vindicator's Waistguard and my Arcatraz key.

11 Badges, an epic and a rare item. Yesterday was a good day for WoW.

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