Monday, September 17, 2007

WoW Update - 16 Sep 2007 (Sunday)

BGs today, lots and lots of BGs. And daily quests - Frou now has 4700++ gold, which means Avi is very close to getting her epic flying mount.

I ended the day with 6500+ honor, or just under half of what I need for my Veteran's Band of Salvation. I've decided that the order of my PVP goals will be:

1) Veteran's Band of Salvation (I lose a bit of +heal and +manaregen, but the +30 STA and +17 INT is considerable).
2) Veteran's Ornamented Greaves (better by far than my Boots of Valiance).
3) Veteran's Pendant of Triumph (I'd normally go with Salvation, but the +spellcrit on this more than makes up for the drop in +INT - I'm very attached to my Medallion of the Lightbringer).

Arena today - 5 games - and we won one simply because our opponents lagged out. I'm considering switching to a different group for the next arena season - not that I dislike the people I'm with, but frankly, our DPS is pathetic. I'm not so happy with how quickly I die in Arena, too.

I ended the day with maybe another 250 Arena points - bringing me up to around 500, I think. I didn't run any instances at all today, but I did get some dailies in.

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