Monday, September 3, 2007

AVs, Thunder Bluff, Possible server move

So yeah, Thunder Bluff didn't happen. Just another of many disappointments I've had with ASTIG.

I've said before that I'm not optimistic about Karazhan. It's not that I don't like the guys I'm running it with - I do - or that they're not good. In some cases I feel I have to work hard to stay in their league.

The thing is - and I have to say this very clearly - not everyone's up to par, and I'm really unhappy about that.

We've had Moroes on farm status for a while now, but that doesn't stop us from wiping. It happens, that's true. But it happens so goddamned often.

But Maiden? We've gotten stuck on Maiden?

The thing with a 10-man raid is that one person not up to par means nine people take up the slack. One person's mistakes have drastic repercussions - not like the old 40-man raids.

I have grave doubts we'll progress past Curator with raid performance what it is.

That said...

I've gotten an offer from Kelvs on Dragonblight (where I have a level 49 paladin stuck in limbo) that if I want to come over to their server, I've got a guaranteed raid slot for SSC and The Eye (and of course the raid instances below those).

Normally I wouldn't even consider this offer but in light of ASTIG's dismal raid progression, I'm really tempted. The announcement of Wrath of the Lich King has me desperate to see more of TBC raid content before it becomes obsolete like Naxxramas and AQ40.

It would be nice to face down Illidan even once before the expansion comes out.

I've set a personal deadline. I need to have an epic mount first - I'm at 4500 gold now, and I'll need around 1k more gold before I'll be comfortable enough to buy an epic flying mount. When I get that mount, if I'm still not happy with ASTIG's raid progression, I'm moving Avierra to DB.

In the meantime, I'm placing my faith in PvP.

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