Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Avi needs a respec

So I'm thinking about respeccing. To Holy - which I already am - but with a different emphasis. PVP.

The shockadin build is something that's been tantalizing me for a while now. I don't have to give up much of my existing healing capability - but I will have to drop my Prot talents for Retri ones.

So what do I lose?

Divine Illumination, for one - and I really will miss that talent, as it's saved my ass several times. Lately, though, I've been feeling that it isn't so necessary to have after all, as my mana pool has grown exponentially.

Improved Blessing of Wisdom - 6 less mana per tick... I can live without this, I think.

Aura Mastery - 40 yard auras instead of 30. Similarly trivial, since healing only goes out to 30 yards anyway.

Light's Grace - now losing this hurts. I'm very dependent on Light's Grace. Having a 2.5 second heal go out at 2 seconds is a lifesaver.

And of course, my Prot talents will be gone - Improved Devotion Aura, Guardian's Favor (so useful in Karazhan!), Precision and Blessing of Kings.

In their place I'll have a host of +damage talents in the Ret tree - including Sanct aura, which will help a lot since I'm planning to pump out Holy damage.

Maybe I'll even get to farm with Avi sometime.

In the meantime, I'm going to be in between as far as gear goes - I'll have to farm myself some PVP gear.

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