Friday, November 28, 2008

WoW Update - 28 Nov 2008: Gearing Up For Naxx

I dinged 80 two nights ago and rushed to Stormwind to respec. Sandbox hasn't been working particularly well for me, so the only way I could identify gear holes was to actually spec protection and wear the gear.

I had a lot of help from Rothgarth, who loaned me some titansteel, Grantilis, who crafted the epic tanking set for me, and Gwennell, who made me a tanking ring. The result put me at more than 20,000 hit points, which was my target, but less than 540 defense (689 defense rating), which is now a problem for me to address.

So here are my goals for Avi, which she needs to hit by next Saturday morning:
1) Run Gundrak for the blue tanking quest ring. If possible, run Gundrak enough to get the blue tanking ring drop.
2) Level JC to 400 to get the 2 STA trinket items. At the moment my trinkets are pitiful. One is a level 70 epic without stamina (just parry). One is a level 74 blue that increases crit rating and is therefore useless.

And the secondary goals:
1) Level Wyrmrest Accord to Revered to get a Breastplate of the Solemn Council.
2) Level Sons of Hodor... er, Hodir to Honored for a Lesser Inscription of the Pinnacle.

I hope we can get some instances in this weekend. I've been without a good healer for a while and it's starting to grate.

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