Friday, May 16, 2008

WoW Update - ASTIG on Hiatus

I've been farming over the weekend, but not very diligently. Too much Desktop Tower Defense on Kongregate and Friends for Sale. But I'm at around 3600 gold total now, which is very good. I expect to have enough for an epic flying mount by maybe next weekend.

I'm a little frustrated at how ASTIG suddenly seemed to have gone on hiatus. No more 25-man raids, and the only raid group that's moving isn't one I'm in... Chok's group has nearly cleared ZA. It makes me wonder whether or not we can kill Rage Winterchill in Hyjal -- I mean, ZA should be around Hyjal level, and Winterchill's supposed to be just a tank and spank fight. I'm absolutely certain we have more than 25 good raiders who are going to be more than up for the fight.

Unfortunately, I seem to be the only one who feels this way. My email to the three group heads either came back negative or didn't come back at all. I'm giving serious thought (again) to transferring off the server... although I may postpone doing so until after WOTLK comes out so I can have a Death Knight on Bleeding Hollow.

Last night Froufrou got into a Karazhan group set up by Larrygibb and Enishii. We cleared Attumen to Opera, saving Curator and the rest for tonight. While Froufrou didn't loot anything of note, she did hit Revered with the Violet Eye, which of course led to a new Violet Signet. And, better yet, it unlocked Pattern: Shadowprowler's Chestguard. Making the Chestguard put me at 373 Leatherworking and lessened the pressure on me to craft Primalstrike Vest.

But I'm still farming for mats for it. Kara tonight is going to be very good for me.

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