Monday, May 26, 2008

WoW Update - 26 May 2008: No Love for Healadins

Bleeding Hollow sucks.

As I write this, I'm firmly convinced that my future does not lie in Bleeding Hollow; I've certainly said this before, but this time I might just fork over the $25 per toon required to get my characters to a server where I might be happier.

We have maybe four to six months until the expansion hits and ASTIG has no members online. Over the last weekend I've seen maybe a dozen log in. Doc's regular Karazhan runs have been suffering from a lack of members (also a lack of geared members, as the current raid group can't even down Prince any more). Chokulit's been organizing ZA runs, I understand. But beyond that, well, I guess it's time I kissed Avierra's title dreams goodbye.

But I have options.

Dragonblight is home to a few friends of mine who, I think, would be happy to see me transfer over. Same thing with Bloodhoof (they raid on Saturday mornings! Woot!) And thanks to a lucky run-in with a Filipino in AV, I'm told that Mannoroth also has a number of Filipino players.

So why haven't I done this yet? It's simple: ASTIG is the only Asian time raiding Guild on a non-Oceanic PVP server, Alliance side. If I transfer Avi and Frou, I'm going on a one-way trip.

I'm just not feeling the love right now. Bah.

Quick notes: Frou is at 374 LW (so boring to farm for the mats), Avierra bought her High Justicar's Legplates and slapped a Golden Spellthread on them.

I'm currently at 3700 gold and counting... so much left to farm.

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