Wednesday, November 19, 2008

WoW Update - 19 Nov 2008: Thoughts on WotLK

I've just hit 76 so I suppose I can take a little time to post something to my poor neglected blog.

In the past few hours, specced Retribution, I've managed to do my dailies and of course level up. This is partly because Retribution is so powerful right now - in my quest greens and patchy TBC epics I've been able to do the equivalent of Froufrou's DPS at 5 levels higher. I can only imagine what this was like pre-nerf. I'll admit my spell cycle needs work - so far all I do is run in, judge Wisdom, cast Crusader Strike and then Divine Storm. After a short wait on timers I hit Crusader Strike before throwing a Hammer of Wrath. Pretty good for a retnoob! Right now I'm flying to the Kalu'ak vendor to pick up a Whalebone Carapace. I would also normally get an Ivory-Reinforced Chestguard but I managed to loot a Battlechest of the Twilight Cult on one AK run which is comparable.

Speaking of Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom, it's currently my favorite instance. I haven't run that many WOTLK instances yet, but this for me was all that's best in Lich King design: it's short and fairly straightforward, with some pretty challenging fights. We can clear it in under 40 minutes now. Someone mentioned R.A. Salvatore when he first entered the instance, and of course the theme of the instance is very Lovecraftian (especially the last boss). Hell, the whole Old Gods theme is straight out of Lovecraft.

One thing Blizzard's done right is to treat all the adventurers streaming into Northrend as seasoned veterans and specialists coming to a battlefront. There is a lot of ego stroking in Borean Tundra, when the Alliance officers fall all over themselves to greet you and get you to the front lines as fast as possible. It's a nice thing, being recognized as a hero of the Alliance. Of course, it doesn't last long - sooner or later, we all learn humility while questing.

Right now the fastest leveller in GoV is Akiross, who hit 79 earlier today. Roth is not far behind at 78. I think I've edged out G- (currently at 75), who got in trouble yesterday by intimating on Guild chat that he was one of the "top players" by levelling faster than most of the others (to be fair to him, he said he got it wrong almost immediately after making that statement). It's flawed thinking but fairly prevalent on the server. Already I'm seeing flying-mounted toons dropping in for a quick node ninja, which sucks as getting to nodes is a tricky proposition while still groundbound. For my part, I'm levelling quickly because I know I want a character at max level before I start really working on levelling Froufrou, and because I know I won't have a weekend to level. I fully expect to log in on Sunday evening to find that five or six more Guild members have hit at least level 76. And of course, I'll be back at work next week, so levelling will naturally slow down at that point.

I'm waffling back and forth with trying to decide whether to level Engineering or to drop it for Jewelcrafting. Engineering is a good profession for the helm, of course, and for the mote extractor, but we currently have 3 miners/engineers (Malago and Roth), and with the exception of Hotohori who just picked up the tradeskill we have no jewelcrafters. In the meantime, I've started farming Cobalt without using it - I have 200 Cobalt bars at the moment and something like 80 Cobalt ore. I intend to farm up to 200 ore before making a decision.

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