For posterity, here are my toons and their gear at this point in time (before Northrend):

Avierra (Protection Spec)
Head: Tankatronic Goggles
Neck: Shattered Sun Pendant of Acumen
Shoulders: Pauldrons of Stone Resolve
Back: Gilded Thorium Cloak
Chest: Chestguard of the Warlord
Wrist: Vambraces of Courage
Gloves: Iron Gauntlets of the Maiden
Waist: Crimson Girdle of the Indomitable
Legs: Wrynn Dynasty Greaves
Boots: Jungle Stompers
Shield: Sunward Crest
Weapon: Gavel of Naaru Blessings
Libram: Libram of Repentance
Ring 1: Shermanar Great-ring
Ring 2: Signet of Eternal Life
Trinket 1: Ancient Aqir Artifact
Trinket 2: Violet Badge
Avierra (Holy Spec)
Head: Mask of Introspection
Neck: Shattered Sun Pendant of Restoration
Shoulders: Merciless Gladiator's Ornamented Spaulders
Back: Red Riding Hood's Cloak
Chest: Ecclesiastical Cuirass
Wrist: Bracers of Justice
Gloves: Brutal Gladiator's Ornamented Gloves
Waist: Guardian's Ornamented Belt
Legs: High Justicar's Legplates
Boots: Boots of Valiance
Shield: Enamelled Disc of Mojo
Weapon: Gavel of Naaru Blessings
Ring 1: Violet Signet of the Grand Restorer
Ring 2: Anveena's Touch
Trinket 1: Ribbon of Sacrifice
Trinket 2: Pendant of the Violet Eye

Head: Malefic Mask of the Shadows
Neck: Brooch of Deftness
Shoulders: Swiftstrike Shoulders
Back: Cloak of the Coming Night
Chest: Tunic of the Dark Hour
Wrist: Vindicator's Leather Bracers
Gloves: Netherblade Gloves
Waist: Belt of Deep Shadow
Legs: Skulker's Greaves
Boots: Edgewalker Longboots
Offhand: Swift Blade of Uncertainty
Main hand: Blade of Serration
Thrown: Xavian Stiletto
Ring 1: Ring of a Thousand Marks
Ring 2: Violet Signet of the Master Assassin
Trinket 1: Abacus of Violent Odds
Trinket 2: Icon of Unyielding Courage
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