I'd gotten home at past three in the morning so logging in at a quarter of eight was a little bit of an imposition. Still, I logged in and immediately found myself with a raid invite. After a little discussion, I switched from Froufrou to Avierra as the raid was short of healers.
The weather's been hellishly bad lately, so my connection's been prone to go bad at the worst possible times. Midway through the High King Maulgar and the Gruul fights I found myself disconnected from the server - my wireless router had lost the signal from the ISP's cabinet - and it took me a few minutes to reconnect to both WoW and Ventrilo. Still, I'm glad I didn't get replaced, as the Gruul fights were short and sweet. It's fairly obvious that we now have Gruul on farm status, leaving us only Magtheridon to defeat at the Tier 4 level.
So we headed over to Magtheridon's Lair. I was not happy with my connection, but the group was determined to down him this morning and so was I.
The result:
Before -

(That's me behind Magtheridon's left leg, keeping Judgment of Wisdom up.)
And after -

Congrats to GoV for a first Magtheridon kill!
And of course, as I did this on Avierra, that naturally means something...

All hail Avierra, Champion of the Naaru!
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