A quick recap: GoV downed Gruul a second time (finally!) after a disastrous attempt two weeks ago, Avierra replaced Froufrou on a Kara run as a second tank was needed, we got Damasso his Tempest Keep heroic key, and much badging was done all around.
Now the highlights:
Avierra's Kara run was good badge-wise as we full cleared Kara. Unfortunately that Karathon took six hours, and you can bet we're not keen on repeating that. If we can keep Kara down to four hours we'll be extremely happy. With her badges I was able to get Anveena's Touch to replace her Mender's Heart-Ring. Next up: Waistguard of Reparation (75 badges), and after that all I have left is the 150-badge weapon (Gavel of Naaru Blessings) that I'm not excited about getting anyway.
She also looted Gorehowl and crafted a Furious Gizmatic Goggles as I'm considering going ret for leveling when the patch hits. But after trying the gear out, I'm not convinced I'll enjoy it as much as prot AoE farming. Oh, and after more than a year, Pauldrons of the Justice-Seeker finally dropped... except that my Merciless Gladiator's Ornamented Spaulders are much better. So they're sitting in the bank for now, but I'll probably vendor them soon.
Froufrou, meanwhile, is sitting on 51 badges. Thanks to a loan from Amihan and Malago, she's got 4100+ gold now and I expect to have her epic flyer this week. If all goes well, then I'll be running Karazhan with her this weekend and by next weekend I'll have another badge item.
Oh, and here's a quick screenshot of us in Heroic Steamvaults. We finished Heroic SL and Heroic SV to finish up Trials of the Naaru: Strength. We've been talking about running Heroic SH but so far it hasn't happened yet as we usually lack a fifth member. We're hoping to get it done this week.

And welcome, welcome to Romola, another RL friend who is joining us in Azeroth. We're looking forward to getting you through the content so that you can join us in the endgame soon.
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