Monday, January 5, 2009

The End of (Holi)days

So I'm feeling much better now, thank you very much, and if I seem twitchy to you it's probably because I didn't really get my progression fix over the weekend. Sure, we downed a few bosses in Naxx, but that was to basically piss on the notion that we were finished as a raiding group. We didn't get to go back to finish the job and loot a few more epics.

If anything, the past couple of weeks have been more about connections than anything else. I got to hang out with Malago, who flew back home from Singapore for the holidays. I spent a little time with Rizal's friend Obispo and his cousin Calimdan, who are both awesome guys, and we can't wait till they hit 80. I got wasted at Rizal's wedding. I shared beers with Rothgarth and Silverwisp for Christmas.

And of course we sorted out some issues in the guild. I think the less said about that, the better, at least for now.

(Oh, and I ran into a superstar blogger in Dalaran - not that big a surprise, as Dalaran isn't a particularly large city, but still.)

I may have less than a thousand gold on my toons, but that doesn't mean I'm not rich. However much I cursed, scowled, frowned and Scrooged*, I still came away from the Yuletide break happier and therefore wealthier.

Now if I can only get my progression fix...

* Bah, humbug.

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