Monday, December 8, 2008

WoW Update - 8 Dec 2008: First Raids

Well, it would be nicer if they'd been GoV raids, but that wasn't possible this past weekend. I was logged in by 8:30 am local time, which was perhaps not the best thing for me to have done as I had gotten home at well past 3 the night before (and was massively drunk to boot). Raiding hung over is just as bad as raiding drunk. But I'd had a rough week at work and I really, really wanted to step into Naxxramas.

Except no one else seemed to want to.

At 9 am I ticked on "LFG Naxxramas" and typed "Noob tank - 24,000 HP, def capped" into the comments box. Within ten minutes I had a whisper from a rogue asking if I'd be interested in coming to Naxx-10. I said yes and got a raid invite.

The raid was already full by the time I got to Naxxramas. The raid lineup consisted of mostly raider alts and new 80s from Revolution, a raiding guild I'd seen around but didn't know much about. Apparently they'd run Naxxramas-25 the night before and wanted to get some experience in Naxx-10. Tanking along with me was a protection Warrior. Healing us were a holy Priest, a holy Paladin, and a resto Druid. And our DPS for the night were two Rogues, a Mage, a Warlock and a shadow Priest. I bonded a little bit with the holy Paladin (it doesn't hurt to make friends with your healer) and was surprised to find that she was, in fact, a she.

As I had more hit points than the Warrior, it was decided that I would be the main tank. I wasn't so excited about that - I was, after all, a self-confessed noob who didn't know the fights - and in the end we wound up relying more on the Warrior as main tank (although I got to tank some of the fights). We cleared the Spider wing with some difficulty, then moved on to the Obsidian Sanctum. Sartharion went down like a house of cards.

Even though I didn't get any loot this run, it was all worth it - the experience of raiding Naxxramas taught me a lot about what to expect for GoV. I won't lie: Naxxramas-10 is hard. I don't think everyone will be ready. But I'm excited about raiding again. Has it really been less than a month since Wrath of the Lich King dropped?

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