Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Yesterday, My Enemy

While questing on the Isle of Quel'danas yesterday I caught the attention of an Orc Warrior. As I play a Human Paladin, you can imagine that I was not particularly happy about this development. He hadn't attacked me yet, so I just made sure I was healed up and ready for a fight. I switched to Retribution Aura and braced myself.

Instead of charging into me, he threw me a /wave. Happy to have been spared an unwelcome gank, I /waved back. He /flirted. I /flirted back.

And so it went. I ran into him a couple more times as I was turning in quests, and each time we would /wave and /flirt and move along. I didn't think anything more of it until I got a tell from a level 40 human pally.

It turns out that the pally was my new friend's alt - probably on a second account, as Bleeding Hollow is a PVP server. He asked me if I remembered him from pre-TBC; I didn't. He said that he'd run into me on the boat to Ratchet before and that he'd ganked me then. And then he said that he remembered running into me in WPL and ganking me again... and I was so angry I searched the whole zone for him to exact revenge.

To be honest, I don't really remember. It certainly sounds like something I would do. I hate being ganked. Anyone who was a paladin pre-TBC no doubt felt the same. I looked up to paladins like Jessicalight who were consistently at the top of the PVP rankings, but I had no clue how to PVP as a paladin (not that I've got much of a clue today).

And to be honest again, I don't really remember the names of the people who gank me. I just don't like dwelling on these things. I remember Bocarwa, but that's because he became one of Anyssa's friends after he'd ganked her maybe a dozen times. But Necro-whatever, who tried to gank me in Hellfire Peninsula the other day, and who really irritated the Alliance guys in Quel'danas... I won't really remember him much. Because a few months down the line there'll be another bored asshat trying to ruin my day.

I finished up my quests and said goodbye to my new friend. It's nice to feel remembered. Avierra's been on Bleeding Hollow for years and I hadn't realized how much like home it's become. I'm probably one of the oldest characters on the server and I still remember some of the old Guilds that used to dominate Bleeding Hollow. I remember the warm fuzzy feeling of coming back to BH after a four-month hiatus and getting tells from people in Shattrath welcoming me back. That was a good feeling. I should try to hold on to that.

I tried to /friend my new Horde buddy, but unfortunately Blizzard doesn't allow cross-faction friends. Pfft. Typical Blizzard. I wonder how Thrall and Jaina keep in touch.

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