First off, the bad(?) news... no World of Warcraft for me this weekend. The Powers That Be have declared a long weekend (Monday is a national holiday, woot), so instead of spending hours in front of my computer thinking about getting drunk, I will actually be getting drunk at the beach.
Avierra's Shattered Sun reputation is now comfortably at 11k/12k Honored. By this evening, assuming I have some time to run dailies, I'll hit Revered and be extra happy. The completion of the portal event means an extra daily to do on Quel'danas, which is fantastic for both rep and cash.
But enough about Avierra... it's time to talk about Froufrou.
Last night Anyssa scheduled a Karazhan run, but she overbooked her healers. She offered to step back from the raid, but instead I removed Avierra and joined the raid as Froufrou.
I know I've brought up Froufrou in this blog before, but I've never gone into the history of my beloved gnome rogue. To start with, she wasn't really mine to begin with. In 2005 I was able to get my then-fiancee to join me in Azeroth. We got a second World of Warcraft account for her, and we both rolled toons that we leveled along with some other RL friends. Yz was among that 'batch' of toons, and is probably the only one still playing today. The others have since moved on from WoW.
At some point in the mid-thirties my fiancee found herself getting bored. Our friends had started to stray, so she asked me to level her character for her. So level Froufrou I did - taking it from level 34 to level 60 in around three months while my main, Avierra, was raiding Molten Core and Zul'gurub. When Froufrou hit 60, I gleefully told my (new) wife that her gnome was ready.
Of course, she never came back to play it. She had other things occupying her mind at that point.
So when Azeroth gave way to Outland, I found myself with two 60's to level. Avierra was my main and favored character; I took her to 70 with ease. And despite my having spent time on Froufrou, I wasn't so comfortable with her; it took me almost three months to get her the ten levels to 70.
Once I hit 70 with Froufrou, though, I farmed Consortium and Scryer reps, aiming for the epic daggers
Guile of Khoraazi and
Retainer's Blade. And then I stopped. Froufrou became my farming toon while Avierra became my raiding toon. Before I took my last hiatus I had almost 4000 gold on Froufrou... and around 300 on Avierra. Frou has since exalted with the Skyguard and is revered with Ogri'la... but is mostly just honored in the instance factions.
I've since run Karazhan once with Froufrou.
So last night I was pseudo-RL while Anyssa took it easy. We downed Attumen, Moroes, Maiden and the Opera Event (crone). Froufrou walked away with 7 Badges of Justice,
Emerald Ripper (to replace
Guile of Khoraazi), and the
Zierhut's Lost Treads. Not bad for a noob rogue who needs to learn to raid.
I logged out with a big smile on my face and a sense that I'd be raiding with Froufrou again. It's nice to have something else to do in a raid besides heal.