Tuesday, March 4, 2008

WoW Update - 3 March 2008

No instance runs last night, as I got home at past 11 pm.

Instead I ran into Karazhan with Avierra to set up for the next step in the Medivh's Journal questline and to turn in the Demonic Presence quest. Normally I wouldn't rush to turn in quests, but I'm running low on funds, with less than 1k gold between two level 70 characters. Sooner rather than later I will need to set aside time to farm gold; it's a setback, I know, but it can't be helped. Raiding means consumables, and progression raiding especially needs gold.

I was able to run only one of the Skettis dailies since I was on such a tight schedule, but I hit 350 Engineering. And once I hit 350, it was time to craft Justicebringer 2000 Specs.

Fortunately, Isorla logged in right at around the time I crafted the helm, so I was able to bug him for a Royal Nightseye and an Enchant Shield: Intellect for my new Triptych Shield of the Ancients to boost my unbuffed mana pool above 10k again. Along with a Bracing Earthstorm Diamond (also courtesy of Isorla) and a Glyph of Renewal from Honor Hold, my new headgear really boosts my healing. I'm now at 1204 healing (from 1141) and I crit at 24.50% (from 23.96%). My mana regen is not as high as I'd like, but I prefer to regen mana on crits anyway.

I logged out at past 1 am (again!) happy but tired. It was time for bed.

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