Monday, February 18, 2008

A Fresh Start... Not Really

Well, I'm back.

It's been more than four months since my last post, and of course a lot has happened since then.

I didn't get to blog about some of the things that were on my mind then - at the time, I felt I was stagnating in BH. I wasn't enjoying raiding any more, and in some cases the only thing that was keeping me in the raid was the fact that I had looted more than anyone else (hey, it wasn't my fault that healing plate gear kept dropping).

So in mid-October I took a break from WoW to look around and maybe fall in love with another game. I tried going back to LOTRO but got tremendously bored. Then my PC died and I didn't bother replacing it for a month and a half...


I set up a new char (Harme, a NE Druid) on Exodar as a "favor" to someone, but stopped at around level 18.

Then my buddies John and Pepper asked if we could set up together on another server. I chose Dragonblight this time - even though I already had a Retri Pally on the server (Aedra, stuck at 48) and RL friends playing, I decided to start fresh and roll a new paladin. Qai, my Draenei Prot Pally, is now at level 33. Even though Pepper and John are no longer playing on DB, I'm still leveling Qai in the hopes of running raid content in the near future.

Which leads me to once again question what I'm doing with my toons.

Right now my "main", Avierra, is a level 70 Holy Paladin on BH. By far she's the most developed of my toons. She's run Karazhan and made a few Gruul's attempts. She's about 50% epicced and could probably raid heal the entirety of Kara, but not much else. I've tried PVPing with her and the results aren't bad; on the other hand, I'm not that enthusiastic about getting much more in the way of PVP gear.

At the moment, she's a Swordsmith Blacksmith with 372 BS. She also has a few epic recipes - from memory, she can craft Dirge, Eternium Runed Blade and Hand of Eternity. At the moment she has 1 Primal Nether and 22 Badges of Justice - 8 Badges shy of crafting Hand of Eternity, which would be a significant upgrade to her Hammer of the Penitent. I'm considering doing just that, as I've no prospects for Kara runs in the near future. After I finish crafting the Hand, I may just drop BS to pick up Engineering for the Justicebringer 2000 Specs.

Froufrou, my 70 Gnome Rogue, is still in limbo. I took her out of mothballs for a few AV runs this weekend, but since the release of that damned Horde-only addon for AV (Stinkyqueue), Alliance has been consistently losing in AV. She's sitting on around 7000 Honor points that I intend to use to buy Gladiator's Shiv - but I'm not holding my breath for that. At 7000+ HP she's not really ideal for PVP, but the weapons are really really tempting.

I've got Altitis at the moment and I'm not terribly happy about it.

So far here's what I've been doing: I play Qai for a bit, ding her once, then leave DB to log into BH. Then I play with Froufrou - usually AV, occasionally EOTS or AB - while monitoring LFG for a healer opening.

This is not an ideal setup. My gold reserves are dwindling since I'm not farming. I don't have a clear plan for what I want to do with my toons. I'm a little exasperated with ASTIG in BH for all the drama, but I'm a bit cowed by what might happen in DB. I'm not really so sure I'll even have a raid slot, nor am I sure I'll be available to raid with my RL friends.

In the meantime, I'm just leveling my pally in the hopes of better times ahead.

Welcome back to Azeroth indeed.

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