Monday, September 3, 2007

Comp down!

After nearly 2 years of faithful service, my desktop PC has decided to start failing on me.

Well, not all of it. Just the memory modules - which I could replace easily had I not just spent a good chunk of money on my birthday celebration.

Basically, it boots up just fine, but when I launch WoW or any program that needs a good amount of external memory... it reboots. It took me a little while to figure out what was going on - but I've had memory modules fail on me before.

I wonder how long it'll be before the processor and motherboard die out on me. I haven't replaced either in some time.

In the meantime, I'm playing WoW on my crappy laptop. The graphics leave a lot to be desired, and the input device is difficult to work with. But it was the only way I could meet my honor quotas for the weekend.

Anyway, I got up pretty early this morning to play WoW - and thanks to the AV queues I was only able to get in one AV. I hope that I was able to get enough honor for my Veteran's Belt. I've got a Kara run tonight and would dearly love to have it available for that.

AV is remarkably fun as a holy paladin. I hardly ever die. Every so often two or three enterprising Horde decide to swarm me, but it's a quick bubble (or LOH) for me while my companions take them down. I've tried playing defense in AV, but it gets boring after a while.

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