In 1983, when Sen. Ninoy Aquino was assassinated, I was 7 years old and didn't understand what it meant. I only knew that my parents were crying and that something very bad had happened.
When the People Power Revolution happened in 1986, I was 10 years old. I didn't understand it either. But my parents were adamant about being in the middle of a very large crowd of people, so I came with them in my bright yellow Ninoy T-shirt and khaki shorts and I prayed aloud with everyone around me, heedless of the danger.
I'm 34 years old now and I understand.
Pres. Corazon Aquino passed away last weekend. She was the housewife-turned-president whose call to action ousted a dictator and restored our freedom. She was Ninoy's widow and a powerful center of opposition to the Marcoses. She became our president - the first legitimately elected president following the dark days of martial law and the Marcos dictatorship.
The many luxuries I enjoy in my life - including the ability to play World of Warcraft - I owe directly to Tita Cory and her martyred husband.
For the freedom to do the things I love, for the freedom to write (badly) about them, for the freedom to choose my own path in life, I am forever grateful.
Sleep well, Tita Cory. We will always love you.